Going to a work out. Using 5 kg plates to start. Nearly breaking the bars on the first machine. Getting told to slow down by the instructor. A lot of women watching me, my team. Being asked to sing the next exercise.

Going off in my car to the east from the gym. Along a winding road then up a nearly vertical hill, having to change down to first gear. There is a woman in front of me pulling a handcart with a goat in. She starts to run up the hill pulling the cart overtaking a couple of cyclists. She turns down a steep lane to a shed or house.

I drive back to the gym and have to turn the sound system off before I sing. The switch is in the shed so I turn it off, an English large switch, and go back on to find out that that was not the switch. I race back out to turn it on again as it might be the mains for the woman with the goat.

I am back inside, a spider is swinging down for my body, I shiver, J puts her foot on the spiders' line, that snaps taught and the spider swings up and lands on my neck and bites me in my left jugular. (I wake up as if from a nightmare)


Football field being made where once stood an avenue of oak trees.

On hoverboard to oak trees with boy who was the reason the field was being made

Oak stub smoothed and grew for us to land on/step on to. Boy saw the field and proclaimed, “My field , for me, I got the trees cut down to create this.”

We lay on the stub and I asked the boy if he knew what trees did? I told him about humans breathing in oxygen and exhaling co2 and how trees did it the other way round. He began to cry and scream that he didn’t want to hurt anyone, that the tree cutting would have to stop, that the price for the field was not worth the loss of trees.


A mother and her son are fishing at an old, neglected outdoor swimming pool. The boy catches a big fish. 

There are many dead sharks on the bottom of the pool (it’s not that full of water) all messed up in discarded fishing nets. It looks like a fisherman's dump. When the nets are too full of dead sharks they get dumped there. 

I can see one that isn’t dead, is still moving. The boy explains to me that the sharks actually grow as they lay there and take in water. I want to go down and free it, but it’s too dangerous with half dead sharks snapping their teeth everywhere.


I am walking into an Indian village, coming in on the main street from a scrubland. I am wearing hiking clothes.

The houses are a mix of mud houses and plantation style houses. I can see the ocean - but it is far away but close too. The air is clean, the dust is yellow. It’s a hot day but not excessively hot.

As I walk past a plantation style house a baby elephant uses its trunk to knock on the door. As the occupants stream out the door screaming at whoever is playing tricks on them, the elephant jumps in through a downstairs window. I smile at the occupants and smile as I look up and see the elephant on the balcony waving its trunk at me.

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