As we enter this world of dreams, worlds between the worlds, …

...may our doors and gates and paths be open, and our doors and gates and paths between the worlds, and may the doors and gates and paths of any who wish to do us or those we love any harm be closed. May it be so.

Robert Moss, Invocation to the Gatekeeper

Why dreams?

Connecting the dots.

Called to dreaming and recording and acting upon my dreams over many years it was only this past year that I felt the pull to create a sharing space. The pull coming from a voice inside me urging me to jump in and create a space that could enlighten and educate. A dream travel to the temple and sacred fire of Brigid of Ireland, where I, in the updraft of the fire, was told by her that I was needed to connect the dots also pushed me on.

So here I go, throwing down the first seeds on a path to who knows where, creating ripples and just maybe connecting some dots.

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